This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I turned 47 a couple of weeks ago.
No, what happened is, I bought a Wii a couple of months ago, and it's been fine. Cute, fun. But, not all that I had hoped. It doesn't really require much physical prowess to become a Wii bowling or tennis expert, and even the cow racing lost it's allure after a couple of weeks. I suppose I could buy some better games for it, but I've got a new interest: golf. Yes, that's right. Golf. The game of a million geezers. I know, I know, and Tiger Woods, but face it, it's like riding a Harley. It's mainly played by geezers.
I've just played a little, but now I want my own set of clubs. And noticed they had a women's set at Costco for about what I paid for the Wii. I then had the idea that selling the Wii to my neighbour would pay for the clubs.
Why does golf appeal to me more than the Wii? Well, so far, I'm finding it more fun. And actually better exercise. Outdoors. Even if it is on such neurotically groomed grass. Who can believe that stuff is actually real? It should be an offense to make grass that behaves like astroturf, Still, being outdoors for 3 hours with my friends and then dinner beats the experience on the couch hands down.
I never thought I would play golf. Just one of those new discoveries.
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