
Today's Gratitudes

I know it sounds pollyanna, but it does help me feel better. So here goes, 20 of the suckers, done in pure stream of consciousness mode:

  1. Fuzz
  2. warm blankets
  3. sunshine
  4. functioning car
  5. pumpkin color walls
  6. comfy kitchen chairs
  7. good lunch with creative friend
  8. my running group that gets me out even when cold
  9. my oa group that helps me pick up and go on
  10. skating buddy
  11. dinner for tonight already cooked
  12. good friend back from Mexico
  13. her cleaning lady
  14. a home mainly paid for
  15. my stained glass supplies turning up
  16. tolerant friends and family
  17. still hangin on
  18. a good therapist I've had now for over 5 years (a record)
  19. crazy cats
  20. a great neighbour and BF and her hubby and kid who keep her sane even if she doesn't think so...

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