Our intrepid heroine is a new Legal Alien on Earth, having spent 82% of her life on Planet Fat (yes, I did the math). After being here almost 9 years, fatgrrl is finding this planet relatively nicer, but with its own challenges and puzzles. This place is not quite that Nirvana she had sought since the age of 6 but it's thrilling at times and she still wants to stay. Maybe you come from Planet Fat too, and wish to become a legal alien. It's a trip...
First Transmission...
Ok, any blog that comes with a pink template is ok with me. Suddenly I am struck with blogfright... what to say what to say... and why should this be any different from the rest of my life??? God, I am tired of being frightened of what someone else thinks, but then, who the hell is actually going to read this drivel?