
Surviving the holiday?

Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. Hope you are surviving the weekend. I've been going to 12 step meetings, mostly Overeaters Anonymous but also the odd AA meeting for about 3 years now. I am definitely a food addict, I have used food to drug myself into a stupor for many years. I need the support group to get me back on to a somewhat normal footing with food as sustenance, not lover. I go to the AA meetings because my father was a drunk and I've done some lunkhead things while drinking. So I don't drink anymore (piece of cake next to the pull toward binge eating) and go to the occasional AA meeting. OA (Overeaters Anonymous) is directly modelled upon AA so the meetings can be fairly similar.

Anyway, this time of year can be hard for anyone dealing with addictions, it seems. I'm dreading Christmas with Fuzzboy's family. Most of my side of the family is dead or estranged, so at least I don't have to deal with the craziness I had to deal with at past family "celebrations"... Like the big fight over whose mother made the best pie at the 1987 dinner... that was a real winner. Ugh.

So, you notice the big "stress-spike" in the meetings this time of year. The theme seems to be "God, grant me the serenity to survive my own and my family's insanity, not to mention my friends..." We get so locked into the family traditions that we forget our own duty to ourselves to be healthy. Suddenly candied yams takes priority over our own heartache. (Thankfully that's a dish, like the green bean casserole, that never quite made it over the border to the south.)

The trick seems to be how to get out of your own misery but still in touch with it so you don't need a (what's that term?) a "Hail Mary" to get through the day...

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