
Paris Bathtub Flashback

I was talking on the phone with one of my Overeaters Anonymous buds this afternoon and grousing about how sore my legs and butt were from running outside in the cold last night. (Me! Running outside! In -7 C weather, on ice yet! I never thought that would actually happen in a million years...) She suggested a bath with epsom salts (epsom salts, didn't my parents use those?, and then said, "At least you can fit in a tub now!" and immediately apologised for being insensitive.

"No, you're right, tubs are much more comfortable now, except I have such a lousy one right now." I replied, and I had a sudden memory of about 15 years ago to one of my favorite tubs in a small hotel in Paris. It was lovely, very deep and long so that the water would be above my chin... then I tried to get out of the tub, and I was wedged in so tight my hips squeaked, and I briefly panicked because it was difficult to get out by raising my bulk straight up... I wonder if that was what really happened to Marat??

I can't go back to that tub for a soak, although half the woman I once was, I've got debts including an overdue therapy bill and another pending the end of the month... hey, maybe I'll be well enough in the head soon to actually earn some money so I can do that some day. I had Fuzzboy take a picture of me in that tub, with bubbles and wine and all that stuff, but when I saw the photo I destroyed it --- fat people do that whenever possible, it's always such a shock --- and as I result I have very few photos of myself from when I was twice my present size. Of course now, I WANT to see them. I'm sure there are negatives and undestroyed ones lurking in shoeboxes. We'll be moving soon, so I'll get an opportunity to find some.

Could there be any more baggage in my closet than is in my head? Honey, I'd have to be Oprah for that to happen!


Rodney Olsen said...

I haven't had a good long soak in a tub for such a long time.

I'm not a good one for fitting in tubs myslef but it is nice.

Robin said...

Nice relaxing bathes are so wonderful.