Woweebobby! Today is such a different experience from yesterday! I was grumping around this morning, on my way for another cup of coffee to take back to bed with the laptop when one of my friends from Overeaters Anonymous called to chat. "I'm ok," I said, upon which she asked if that was true or a lie. "Hmmmm, both. I'm not wonderfully happy but I don't feel like utter crap."
When I asked what she was up to she told me that she was attending a new Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) group for women that was starting up. "Mmph." says I, "I should go."
Now, a word of explanation. I don't consider myself a sex addict, but SLAA is also for people who have trouble with relationships. Boundaries, and all that yukky stuff. And in my post yesterday, I wrote that I was avoiding my OA group because I had trouble coping with the people in that group. I know I have relationship issues. If anything, I can be mentally anorexic with my friends. I come across as an extrovert, but I really do hide from people when the going gets rough: pull the head into the shell, close the door, shut the curtains. Nobody home but us chickens! I don't have boundaries, I have Berlin Walls.
So I went to the meeting. Someone who I had been really angry at was there. Right off she apologises for what she did. 3 of us went out for coffee later. Things are good.
Going running tonight, and am going to do my damnest to not try to break any personal bests, or for that matter, anyone elses! Actually, a personal best for me would be to go running and stay in the moment, and enjoy that I can run.
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