One of the issues with my recovery from the hysterectomy is I was warned to not drive for three weeks after the surgery. As my abdominal wall heals, I could be unable to hit the brakes with any force in an emergency. Also, something I'm cognizant of only in retrospect is how stunned I was left by the anesthetic of major surgery, as well as the four days of post op morphine. I would have been a menace! So, I still have another week where I am relying on Fuzz and friends for transport.
I was getting a lift downtown from a friend after we attended an Overeaters Anonymous meeting yesterday morning. She had to make a deposit at the bank and we were waiting in a line for a drive through ATM. "Geez, I feel like I'm at McDonald's" she said, with a shiver. Drive-thrus come up frequently with us compulsive overeater types. Next to delivery, they are a great way to have a binge without exposing ourselves to public scrutiny, and we often pretend that we are ordering for our huge extended family, as opposed to our huge extending selves.
Sorry, that was a bit of black humour to mask the real pain and insanity of this disease. I used to do it --- one of my favorite tricks was to buy a little at each of three different drive thrus in one afternoon---but I rarely do a drive thru for anything but the bank any more. No, wait, Fuzz and I would go to the Dairy Queen a couple of times a week for a soft ice cream last summer. I hear rumours that Starbucks may be opening one near me soon, but what's the point of sitting in line forever while someone in front of me orders their triple- grande-nonfat-but-with-whip-cinnamon-dolce-latte? Oh, wait, that's me.
Yesterday in the car I started to laugh, and said to my friend "Imagine, if we could go through the fast food drive thru and deposit the food!" How about one day a month, I could go through Tim Hortons and pelt them with a percentage of all those donuts I inhaled, or give McWhacko's back all those triple cheeseburgers on styrofoam buns? Completely impractical, but oh so catharctic.
hey Maggie. How are you today? I'm not so hot, but I'm doing my calls and it's getting better. : ) Thank God for this program. :)
Yeah, recovery is so sloooowwww... don't we know it! ;-) It's so hard to be patient, but I know I'm on the right track. Phone calls are a good idea, I don't do that enough!
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