Our intrepid heroine is a new Legal Alien on Earth, having spent 82% of her life on Planet Fat (yes, I did the math). After being here almost 9 years, fatgrrl is finding this planet relatively nicer, but with its own challenges and puzzles. This place is not quite that Nirvana she had sought since the age of 6 but it's thrilling at times and she still wants to stay. Maybe you come from Planet Fat too, and wish to become a legal alien. It's a trip...
Holy Eating Disorder, Batman!
I found this picture in a New York Times Style Magazine Women's Fashion feature. Just when I thought that we had finished with the Heroin Chic, we get this. Just Too Scary.
Holy Jesus!!! What freak thinks that looks healthy?????? They could have at least Photoshopped her so she doesn't look like a desiccated corpse!
Holy Jesus!!! What freak thinks that looks healthy?????? They could have at least Photoshopped her so she doesn't look like a desiccated corpse!
You'd think this was an ad to help feed the starving women of South America or something.
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