
Checking In, Taking Stock

I've only got 45 minutes before I've got to be downtown for a hair trim... Hm. I should try to get in the shower, maybe I can do that... yipes! Ok, quick check in:

Yesterday was hard, felt like I was working way too slowly in the studio. Interesting how my psyche raises the bar on me. Before it was I wasn't getting to the studio enough, now I'm not getting enough done! Jeez, no wonder I overeat: I've got this constant critic harping on my shoulder. Well, no matter how slowly I work, if I don't get to the studio at all, I won't get anything done and if I do a few hours most days I will get a surprising amount done when I look at it a year down the road.

It's like my workout diary: When I started weight training at the gym over 2 years ago I started tracking what I was lifting so I could remind myself between visits where I was at. I realized yesterday that the small notebook was almost full. I did some math and I've been to the gym over 200 times in that time. That's cool. One workout at a time, one day at a time, it adds up.

It's like when my friend contemplates getting fine art instruction, and I look at what instruction I've had --- somewhere it all added up. I look at my cv and go, wow, I've got a lot of experience here, even while continually feeling like I don't know enough, I haven't done enough. I go through the piles of drawings I've made and realize that it has become a considerable amount.

That's why I wear my "brain bucket" when I ride my bike: I've invested too much time and money in this noggin to waste it!

Gotta run! Life rocks!

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