
I Only Look Fixed

Wow, what a sucky morning. I did not didnotdidnot want to get up. At nine I turned on the bedside radio to try to get me into a state where I did. By ten I did rise, probably because I wanted my wonderful morning oatmeal. God, I love my oatmeal. I use steel cut oats, it makes all the difference in the world. No mush, more a consistency of brown rice, but better because it also has crunchy slivered almonds, raisins, dried cranberries, a bit of cinnamon and cloves and a good dose of ground cardamom. Yummmo. I've eaten it almost every day now for over two years, it's that good. I've even taken it camping and dried on road trips to cook up in a hotel room microwave... hmmm... note to self, maybe want to take it on my trip to NYC this week...

Anyway, food will get me out of bed where other things won't. I only look like I'm not a compulsive overater, but I still get crazy about food. And that tells me that I've still got this disease. And lately, I've been waking up miserable, but I can't quite put my finger on why I'm feeling so miserable. I've had a lot of "shoulds" floating through my brain. It may not be the things I'm "shoulding" myself about that are making me miserable, I think it's the "shoulding" that is making me miserable. Or in other words, it's those feelings of being overwhelmed, shame at being the imperfect being that I am, not the jobs themselves making me feel bad.

So I wake up with that damn shame. Well, I guess this is A JOB FOR CAPTAIN STEPWORK! (cue trumpet fanfare). Rats, no trumpets. Just a response of "oh, ugh, that..." Yup, seems like the only hope for cure from misery is to pick at that scab. No, it's worse than picking, it's all out surgery I'm performing on my psyche when I do stepwork. That's why I loooooove it so. But my only alternative is more misery. So, it looks like I really don't have a choice... but I do:

In step 1 I admit that I am powerless over food. Almost forty years of the fruitless diet & binge cycle finally convinced me of that. In steps 2 and 3 I decided to try the idea that there was a power outside my consciousness that might be able to help me and chose to reach out for it. Lo and behold, it actually started to work. I still am not able to pinpoint the exact moment it started, I just remember a point in early recovery where it dawned that if I could tap into this group of people who seemed to be having success and whatever power keeps the sun coming up in the morning (despite what seem like our best efforts to prevent that) it might work better than what I'd been doing to myself for so many years.

In "working the steps" I'm trying to bring this approach to the mental undertow that threatens to suck me under, for the main reason that I know that all turmoil in my head takes me back to the food. After five years in OA, I still don't think that working the steps is magic, or quick cure from God. I'm still enough of an agnostic to
think that stepwork may just be really a handy system for examining what is driving me nuts: fluffing up my mental compost pile so it stops driving me so nutty with its stink, much as I do when I talk to my therapist weekly. It's sort of DIY talk therapy but it's writing.

Then there is step 5 when you share it. Just like I share my thoughts with my shrink. She helps me examine the thoughts, turn them over, fact check, look at how they fit with my present reality, or maybe where I was when they were appropriate if they don't seem to fit my life today. Which is where I think a lot of my crazy thoughts originated: in my crazy past with my workaholic, alcoholic, frightened family.

So, enough explaining, maybe look at this shame and actually work on it a bit. You know, I'm going to do that offline, because I can just do stream of consciousness writing, and then share what parts I'm comfortable sharing here, or with my sponsor, therapist, or whomever. Interestingly, I've been having some issues with my sponsor lately (she is human, and so am I), which I have not shared with her. I've been talking to my therapist about them, and I may eventually share them with my sponsor too, but that comes later. First I have to write. Dammit! Alright, alright, I'm going...

Postscript: I've done less than a page of writing, and already I'm feeling better. A couple of things have come up: I'm starting to see how I learned powerlessness growing up, and how I'm carrying that into my adult life in my day to day actions (feeling like I have to do it all, NOW and perfectly) and in being very passive, avoiding asking for what I need. I'd write more but I'm meeting with said sponsor for a nosh and need to get dressed and pack my lunch. This is really interesting to see working, for what I'm seeing is some evidence that I can change. And that's very hopeful. TTYS.

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