I'm reading Eckhard Tolle's The Power of Now and while I'm not sure about his cult status these days (having grown up in the original cult, you know, the one with lots of incense and relics and men who get pissy when the girls want to wear dresses like them, I tend to be very skeptical of cults and gurus), I'm finding his book useful so far.
He is a great proponent of developing a detached awareness of one's thought processes, and I tried doing that during a couple of nights while whirling thoughts threatened to hijack yet another night's sleep. I just tried to step back from the maelstom of plans, regrets and worries, and observe that I was having them, not judge them, just see them as thoughts and also be aware of my physical presence, lying in bed. I found a surprising amount of peacefulness or well being, even, and a new appreciation for my comfortable bed and the quiet night on my street that actually existed outside of my brain.
Hey Miss Margaret ( I want to call you Miss Marple, not sure why)???
I will begin by commenting on your orchid, WOW!!!! that is beautiful. That photo really made my day, but I guess any flower photo would make my day.
Writing really does help relieve any stresses in life, I noticed this trend about myself....everytime I start freaking out about something....I just write in a journal or blog and then I feel relief. I guess you take a different perspective when it's on paper in front of you. I am still analyzing the value of reflection. I believe it is of great value and the faculty of education agrees ( just thought I would end that on a sour note, the fac of ed made sure we reflected ourselves to death).
I am soo happy you purchased hyacinthes they really do smell lovely.
I am enjoying your blog, you have an appreciable writing style and a lot of interesting thoughts and reflections.
Cheers my darling!!!
Fuzzboy wrinkles his nose and flaps his wrists in an airyfairy way at the mention of "reflection". He prefers the hard world of "analysis". I say, "what's the diff?" He shrugs and pouts: "I just like that word better..." Once a science person, always a science person!
Now if he would only do like Einstein and go sockless in sandals instead of those awful white socks. Mind you, if they all disappeared one day, he might not have much choice...except ick, he might start wearing black socks with sandals. At least I've weaned him off the warmup suits...
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