
Continually Amazed

Well, it happened. The seller accepted our offer, and the bank likes us, and we don't even have to rush to sell our house because our finances are in very good shape. I keep asking people to pinch me. You know, it's just a little modest 2 storey in a downtown neighbourhood that I think is on its way up, no big deal, right? Except the house next door is owned by my best friend (of 25 years) and her partner and daughter. After living for 15 years in "Smallville" and never really finding a community (excepting the 2 years I lived in New York), I am going to be living in a place (shall we call it Midsizeburg) where I think we will find a community. Within blocks live other artists and musicians, and many more of our friends, including Fuzz' brother and wife. Fuzz actually grew up 2 blocks away. Stranger than fiction.

I feel very lucky, but I think we made our own luck by listening to our hearts, putting out the word we wanted to live in the neighbourhood, and asking for help: spiritual, emotional support, and physical help from our friends. It was our friend that told our neighbour that if she ever wanted to sell her house they had someone interested. And then being willing to have fate, a higher power, karma, or whatever do what it would for us. This morning a groggy Fuzz said through a codeine-acetaminophen-ibuprofen blur (he's got a virus) "Boy, your higher power sure was on yesterday!" And he's right. It is amazing when you start clearing out the old emotional debris, I believe a channel opens up that allows good things to come to me that I can't even imagine.

The seller and even the seller's father seem extremely happy, because she was able to sell her house in 2 days and now can concentrate on moving to her new job out west in July. One major headache out of her way.

I was doing the "Mr. Bean Christmas Morning Happy Dance" yesterday, or was it the "Snoopy" along with lots of high pitched squealing. Maybe not the best idea, because it's easy to bonk your head dancing and jumping around with your eyes screwed shut!

When we got home last night I was still adrenaline filled, so I got on the treadmill for an hour's power walk. Then I lay down on the couch with a little cantelope and Letterman, thinking I might follow it up with some hot milk. The next thing I knew, it was an hour later, the cat tucked under my chin. I crawled up to bed and slept like the amazed baby I am.

Anybody want to buy a charming 90 year old house with a custom designed art studio & craftsman workshop in small town Canada? Such a steal!!! ;))


Anonymous said...

Oh that's fantastic, Maggie! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie -- hope you're doing well. Sure sounds like you are! :o) Congrats on the move. I feel God working in my life these days, as I can read self-help books and actually follow their advice. :) Because of OA. :)