
Enough Snow, Already!

As I shovelled/chipped my way through the layers of snow, ice pellets and frozen rain, I realized I was officially sick of shovelling. It took a couple of hours for both of us to do the sidewalk, the walkway and driveway, and the snow was so hard it shattered into chunks as I chipped at it. It was kind of like shovelling blocks of wood that were either too heavy or slipped off the shovel as I tried to lift them. My shoulder hurts and I wonder if I need some physio for it. It's the same shoulder I hit when I fell off my scooter last summer.

And just yesterday I saw that guy riding the blue Vino! Sigh....at least the sun came out just before it set. And then there is daylight savings this weekend, hooray! I guess there is a light at the end of this snow tunnel. Almost nobody was working today, even Fuzz was sent home to get some much needed sleep. I took another day off on my extended sick leave from that virus, read a book for a while and then curled up with a kitty for a long nap. Those bits of winter are damn fine.

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