
Two Potato

Without meaning to, Fuzz has dropped almost 30 pounds since I came to OA. I hate people who lose weight unintentionally, but I'm married to him so I can't beat him up too much. I guess. I never thought of him as fat, but as I see in old photos, he was looking a tad pudgy. Except next to me, he didn't look so bad. When you're morbidly obese, and even now that I'm a "normal" weight, anyone with less than 50 pounds to lose doesn't quite register on my radar, or fatdar as it were. I guess it's kind of fatgrrl snobbery: Don't complain to me how hard it is unless you've got at least a hundred to go!

Of course, I would never actually say that to anyone, and I'm exaggerating a bit here, but it is hard for me to really understand those who battle with smaller amounts of weight. Not to mention anorexics and bulimics. I get that they have a similar disease, unhealthy compulsions with food, but I don't think I really come close to truly understanding them. I'm just glad that my disease doesn't come out in those ways, because they can be pretty brutal too.

Anyway, I was talking about potatoes. I don't know when I loosened my grip on potatoes. Somewhere in the process of accepting that my own best efforts had availed me nothing, my eating habits changed. First the quantity, but somewhere potatoes mostly left the scene. They were never on my binge list, which actually only contains a couple of items, and a couple of situational items. It was probably when I started reading about high glycemic index foods, those foods that can really throw your blood sugar for a loop, and since I'm a type 2 diabetic, I started cutting back on those foods, or modifying them: stuff like eating more whole grain breads and pastas, and substituting sweet potatoes because they had some good extra nutrients. I'm not rigorous about it, I just started changing things up more.
I used to do the meat, potato and veg meal thing commonly. And pasta and rice seem more versatile, when you can whip up a healthy stir fry or pasta with a little meat, some vegetables, and lots of garlic. Potatoes just started taking a back seat. And now, we'll maybe have them maybe 4 times a month. Often in a soup, like salmon chowder, and I do like vichyssoise.

It's not a big deal. But it's interesting seeing how things can change without it being a big deal. The non-food aspects of my behaviour changed, and then I think the food fit in with that change.

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